Logo designed by Cléa Timpani Bournezeau France, especially for the association NALA 85480 for the French campaign "You don't keep your best friend on a chain!". You can share this photo only if you also mention the petition and the name of the association. Thank you for your understanding !
Explication of the petition "You don't attach your best friend"
(see for the full text of the petition below)
You can sign the petition HERE
"Dogs have been domesticated over thousands of years. They have been selected and changed genetically to make them dependent on humans which is why they need to be with people. We wanted this behavior, so we bred for those human-friendly traits. The domestic dog does not exist independently of people, so is therefore not wild. They may be part of our family, but they still have their own individual dog needs that we need to ensure we are providing for. " University of Edinburgh, Scotland
We, who signed this petition "On n'attache pas son meilleur ami" believe that for a dog living on a chain permanently the basic needs:
- a suitable environment,
- a suitable diet,
- to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns,
- to be housed with, or apart from, other animals,
- to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease are not fulfilled for the following reasons :
- Attached to the end of a chain, with limited mobility, very often with an inadequate shelter or even no shelter at all, on muddy ground is NOT a suitable environment for a dog. The animal is not protected against possible hazards (other animals/people/insect bites/diseases) and extreme weather conditions (heat, cold, wind, rain etc).
- Dogs chained up all their lives are not part of a family environment where appropriate care and attention can be provided. Daily feeding depends on the commitment of the owner and can easily be forgotten. The animal is more likely to be neglected. Our daily lives have changed. In the past the majority of people spent a considerable amount of time outdoors: playing, working, gardening and interacting with their neighbors. Today in the age of computers, television and limited free time we spend about 75% less time outside and therefore less time with our faithful friend, the dog.
- Dogs are intelligent animals and can suffer from boredom. On top of that dogs are sociable animals that need and enjoy company (from other dogs and humans). Consequently, most dogs do not like being left alone and may suffer if left without company, which may lead to behavioral problems that are distressing for both the owner and the dog.
- Permanently tethered dogs also lack proper exercise.
- Finally, they are forced to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in the same limited space.
Dogs kept on chains permanently don't or rarely get the chance to be trained/educated properly which makes it difficult for them to be adopted if necessary in a later moment of their lives, with the consequence that these dogs are more likely to the euthanized.
Research has shown that chained dogs are 2,8 times more likely to bite. Keeping dogs on chains can create a threat to public safety.
When confronted with a perceived threat, chained dogs respond according to their fight-or-flight instinct. A chained dog, unable to take flight, often feels forced to fight, and attacks any unfamiliar animal or person who wanders into his or her territory.
Experts tend to agree that chaining increases aggression in the vast majority of dogs. For example, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have teamed up to promote responsible dog ownership, pointing out that tethering dogs contributes to aggressive behavior: “Confine your dog in a fenced yard or dog run when it is not in the house. Never tether or chain your dog because this can contribute to aggressive behavior.”
Whether it is ethical to chain a dog permanently is being questioned now in many countries and states and these countries have reacted positively by adopting stricter rules for tethering a dog. Permanently tethering is forbidden in Sweden,Hungary, Austria, in quite some states in the United States (California, Connecticut, aryland, Massachusetts, Texas, Vermont, Pennsylvania recently adopted a new law that would make leaving animals in the cold a felony , Philadelphia, Washington....) and in many towns and villages in the United States
(sources: PETA https://www.peta.org/…/…/current-legislation-tethering-dogs/ and AVMA https://www.avma.org/…/sr-animal-tethering-prohibitions.aspx),
and in more and more villages in Belgium, the UK, Italie, and in the Netherlands permanently chaining a dog is rarely done.
The Australian Veterinary Association has issued a position statement on tethering of dogs and they come to the conclusion that "Tethering is a temporary method of restraint and is not suitable for long-term confinement and that other confinement methods appropriate for the species should be sought."
Position Statement
Tethering is a temporary method of restraint and is not suitable for long-term confinement. Tethering of animals requires a high standard of animal husbandry and exceptional care, including regular and frequent inspections. Animals should be appropriately trained to tether.
Animals should never be tethered where their welfare is compromised.
Tethering is defined as the securing of an animal to an anchor point, in order to confine the animal to a desired area. It is used to prevent an animal (eg dog) straying in the owner’s absence, or to allow an animal (eg sheep or goat) to graze unfenced pasture. Tethering should not be confused with short-term tying up or with hobbling.
Tethering of animals exposes them to increased risk of stress, injury or death. In particular, tethered animals may be:
- unable to access food and water
- unable to obtain shelter from climatic extremes
- unable to obtain sufficient exercise
- unable to evade attack from other animals
- isolated from their companions
- exposed to environmental hazards, such as road traffic
- injured by the tether - for example, where there is no swivel in the chain.
For these reasons, other confinement methods appropriate for the species should be sought.
In France the longterm chaining of a dog is still allowed under certain conditions: length of the chain, shelter etc (l’Arrêté du 25 octobre 1982 relatif à l'élevage, à la garde et à la détention d’animaux). The number of alerts to our association about dogs kept on chains where even these minimal conditions were not met, has increased over the years.
Acting and helping a chained dog is often very difficult for an association and the authorities, as chaining of a dog is still legal in France. So the fate of the dog depends on a long courtcase and the decision of a judge (that very often comes too late for the dog) .
We would like to present you this petition in which we ask the French government to change existing laws and educate dog owners about the dangers of chaining a dog.
At the moment, it is possible for someone to argue, against all evidence, that keeping a dog permanently on a chain is not harmful. This means that the fate of an animal depends on whether or not the judge is susceptible to this argument. In order to prevent this random application of the law, it should be amended to prevent animals being attached for no more than a specific time period per day with appropriate sanctions in case of non-compliance.
NEW Petition
'You don't put your best friend on a chain!'
Please sign here
In France, permanently chaining dogs is still very common, especially when compared with other countries where chaining dogs has been banned.
We ask the French government to change existing laws and educate dog owners about the dangers of chaining a dog.
Why this petition?
Permanently chained dogs have more health and behavioural problems: being attached severely restricts the movement of a dog. A chain or rope can also become tangled around the legs, neck ... get caught on the dog's shelter or other objects, further restricting movement and causing physical harm (suffocation or strangulation ). Besides the psychological damage caused by continuous chaining, dogs forced to live on a chain can become an easy target for other animals, humans and biting insects. It is therefore more vulnerable to disease.
Permanently chained dogs are a danger: studies have shown that chained dogs are found to be 2.8 times more likely to bite.
Permanently chained dogs are often euthanized: they are often abandoned because being chained outside they never have the opportunity to network with people or other dogs, they are not educated and they can become fearful or vicious, so that euthanasia is inevitable.
Permanently chained dogs are more often forgotten.
Dogs are pack animals who need companionship: a dog is not meant to live alone. It's against his nature. Forcing a dog to live outside on a chain with little or no company, whether human or canine, is one of the most psychologically harmful things an owner can inflict on his dog.
Dog, man's best friend, is a sensitive being who deserves better than spending his life chained at the bottom of the garden.
Thank you for signing and sharing this petition. You can sign this petition here
If you would like to report a chained dog to us please fill in the form on this page