Unfortunately we were not able to save Jess's last kitten, Little Monkey.
After three days of intensive care the vet called us. The prognoses were not good. He still had difficulty to swallow even though he was very hungry and he had a wound in his neck. When the vet tried to put a tube through his eusophagus she hit on something hard: his vertebra. As he needed an anesthetic anyway for putting him down, we asked if she could still have a look to see whether it was still possible to operate. But the damage was too big. His eusophagus was completely torn. But Little Monkey was a fighter. Even when the vet gave him his last injection he didn't want to give up.
His last photos at the vet's.

We still think of him and how he was defending himself in this hole on the school yard without his mum. Sleep well little one.