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Browsing Archive: June, 2013

A Stray or not a Stray? That is the question.

Posted by Marit De on Saturday, June 29, 2013, In : For the English Nala readers 

Article L211-23 of the Code rural et de la pêche maritime defines strays.

For a dog the definition is pretty much common sense, roughly translated, if it's out of earshot of the person responsible for it, no longer under their effective supervision or more than one hundred metres away from them, then it's a stray. Seems reasonable to me.

For a cat the definition raises some practical difficulties. Any cat that is not identified found more than 200 metres from habitation or more than 1000m from...

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Photos de Minette et Frimousse

Posted by Marit De on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, In : Chats 

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Nouvelles de la petite Mia

Posted by Marit De on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, In : Chats 

"Tout se passe pour le mieux je pense, nous la trouvons vraiment très gentille, trop peut être, et vient sûrement la période des bêtises.
Très vive et joueuse, même avec les personnes qu'elle ne connaît pas, mais très douce (elle n'a jamais griffé personne même au plus fort de l'excitation d'un jeu!).
Elle a pris 400g ces 4 dernières semaines et ses yeux sont passés progressivement au vert."

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Deux Sèvres Monthly June 2013

Posted by Marit De on Thursday, June 20, 2013, In : For the English Nala readers 

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Enfin la lumière au bout du tunnel ?

Posted by Marit De on Friday, June 14, 2013, In : Actualités 

  Le système français concernant la réglementation à propos des chats et chiens errants veut qu’ils demeurent dans une fourrière, chenil reconnu officiellement, pendant une période de 8 jours ouvrés. Après ce délai, s’ils n’ont pas retrouvé leurs propriétaires ils peuvent être cédés à une association de protection animale sous réserve que l’association ait accès à un refuge officiellement reconnu. S’ils ne peuvent pas être adoptés et avec l’accord d’un v...

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No good deed goes unpunished

Posted by Marit De on Thursday, June 13, 2013, In : For the English Nala readers 

Jacqueline and one of her cats that she could keep. 

A few years ago a mummy cat had a litter of kittens in someone's barn in a small hamlet. She and the kittens were “adopted” by the owner of the grange and his neighbours. Some of the kittens became house cats whilst the mother and some others enjoyed the freedom of the barn, whilst still permitting their human subjects to bring them food.

Unfortunately over the years the population expanded until one day the people decided that something...

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Adopt with Confidence (The Vendée Monthly June 2013)

Posted by Marit De on Friday, June 7, 2013, In : For the English Nala readers 

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Randonnée NALA 2 Juin 2013

Posted by Marit De on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, In : Evènements NALA 
Les photos
lessalines's Randonnee NALA85480 Juin 2013 album on Photobucket

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Attention! C'est la saison des bébés hérissons

Posted by Marit De on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, In : Prévention et sensibilisation 

Coucou à tous les automobilistes! 

  Je suis juste là pour vous rappeler de faire bien attention sur la route car c'est la période des bébés hérissons; trop mignons, in-offensifs et utiles!

   Nous vous débarrasserons des limaces, oeufs de serpents, bébés vipères, larves d'insectes ravageurs de potagers, etc.

  Ce serait dommage de m'écraser!

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Light at the end of the tunnel?

Posted by Marit De on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, In : For the English Nala readers 

 The French system for dealing with stray cats and dogs requires that they stay in a fourrière, an officially recognised kennel/pound for 8 working days. After that period, if they haven't been returned to their owner they can be given to an association for the protection of animals, provided that the association has access to an officially recognised shelter. If they can't be adopted and a vet agrees, they may be put down. When the legislation was discussed in the Senate, it was assumed tha...

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