In December this year Paris will host the Conference on Climate Change. At the moment agriculture is one of the biggest sectors releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, yet it's emissions are not regulated under current climate change legislation. Clearly, that is going to have to change. 

In addition, in France, industrial farming has been responsible for the loss of over 5 million farming jobs over the last 50 years, polluted land and waterways, invasions of seeweed on tourist beaches and cost billions in subsidies.


So, it is with a jaundiced eye that we view the latest attempt at greenwashing by the agricultural industry: they painted a cow green and displayed her at Paris. Then for the next 20 days they paraded her around a number of towns wearing a cover with a slogan, instead of being painted. It's a little bit ironic that this happened during an unusual heatwave that has affected large parts of Europe.


Rather than showing the “Green” virtues of industrial agriculture, we think this gimmick more accurately reflects the lack of concern that the industry has for the well being of animals. In fact, it amazes us how anyone with the slightest respect for a social animal like a cow could separate her from her herd and then subject her to the stress of meeting crowds of strangers.


A petition signed by more than 25,000 people in just over a week supports our impression that rather than being a symbol of respect for the environment, the Green Cow is actually a monument to human stupidity.

At least the merit of this  operation launched by the agricultural industry has been to make visible the increasing awareness that runs through society. We thank you from all of our hearts for all the signatories which proves the fact that the  treatment of an  animal of any kind and for any reason whatsoever, as an object, is no longer accepted.